Indoor Park

Hibbing Kiwanis Little Ones Indoor Park

A group of community volunteers is working together to create the “Hibbing Kiwanis Little Ones Indoor Park.”
Located within the Hibbing Public Library’s auditorium, this park will provide a low cost location for young
children to run off steam while their supervising families/caretakers visit during our long, cold winter months. We are hoping to have this park open by late fall of this year.

TO MAKE THIS PROJECT GO, WE ARE LOOKING FOR SPONSORS. OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE $25.000. We would be grateful if you helped in sponsoring this facility. Your contributions will be targeted exclusively to the purchase of equipment and seating in the Hibbing Public Library auditorium.

Benefactors and Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze level sponsors will be featured on our Donor Wall in corresponding descending font size according to gift. Corporate sponsors are welcome to use their company logo. Benefactors and Platinum level sponsors will be included on our signage and marketing material including flyers and press releases.

Sponsorship levels are as follows:

Benefactor $2500+
Platinum $2500
Gold $1000
Silver $500

Benefactor $1000+
Platinum $1000
Gold $500
Silver $100
Bronze $25

Want to make a tax-deductible donation?  Send your check payable to Hibbing Kiwanis: Little Ones Indoor Park to PO Box 153, Hibbing, MN  55746
Thank you for helping us out with this!

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